
The Bad Credit Remortgage Process 2024

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A bad credit remortgage process for borrowers is similar to any other financial arrangement, only there’s a bit more legwork involved when you’re shopping around for the best deals. There are rates, fees and the lender’s lending criteria to find out before putting in a formal application.

The typical scenario with a remortgage is a homeowner finds themselves with a mortgage that’s run past a fixed term discount rate and later reverted to a standard variable rate (SVR). A lot of the time, that SVR pushes the interest payments higher resulting in a higher monthly repayment to the existing mortgage.

You can approach your current lender and discuss alternative finance options when that happens. Your existing lender doesn’t have to agree to provide refinance, though. If your credit reports change from the time you were approved to the time you want to refinance your home, the lender may not accept your current level of risk as indicated by your credit history.

This can happen if you have any negative entries on your credit files such as missed payments, credit accounts in default, or you or someone you’re financially associated with has been issued with a CCJ or other similar negative debt entries since the time you took your mortgage with your existing lender.

When that happens, they can refuse to alter your mortgage terms, or they could push interest higher if they were to offer a remortgage.

It is best to work with your current lender first so you can know the rates they’re prepared to lend to you. That gives you a base rate to compare against other products.

You will need to know the valuation of your property. Lenders need to know what your property is worth because the total amount you can borrow is based on your property’s valuation. Lenders will have fees for this. Some include it, others don’t.

Remortgage finance is approved based on a loan-to-value ratio. That’s the loan amount you’re asking a lender to secure against the value of your property.

If you have your current property valued and the valuation is less than what you owe on the mortgage, you’ll have negative equity. That’s not an immediate concern if you’re only refinancing because all you’d need is a higher loan-to-value (LTV) to cover the shortfall, and there are specialist lenders that cater to this.

When it is a problem though is if you plan to sell your home because that would mean that in the event of the sale, you wouldn’t raise enough to repay the original loan amount.

Before researching remortgage rates, you need to know how much remains outstanding on your existing mortgage and what your home is currently worth.

To find that out, you would need to have the property surveyed. Lenders can arrange this for a fee, or a local estate agent can help you with this stage, but there will usually be fees to pay.

About income and debt considerations when applying for refinancing

As a remortgage is a secured loan, the process will involve considering the amount of income there is. Mortgages are based on income multiples, usually 3x the household income, sometimes four times, and on rare occasions when there’s a high income, and it’s considered a Professional Mortgage Product, the income multiple can go as high as five times. That’s rare, though.

When planning a remortgage, it’s crucial to have your figures ready for the application process. Lenders will want proof of household income and the monthly expenses that come off that, including all debt repayments and living expenses.

Your level of debt will be considered in the remortgage process too. Add your total amount of outstanding debts up. That total shouldn’t be above 45% of your household income. If it is, you will be considered by lenders as a high-risk due to a lack of disposable income.

It should also be noted that if you expect your household income to rise during the term of your remortgage deal, you’d need some flexibility if you intend to make more capital repayments. What to ask about are early repayment fees, and the option to repay more capital towards the mortgage, without incurring any financial penalties.

Assessing the types of remortgage options

The type of remortgage you take matters, too, and there’s a lot to choose from: fixed-interest, capped-interest-rate remortgages, standard variable rates, and discount rates that revert to a standard variable rate after the terms expire. All types of typical mortgages are available to applicants with bad credit. It’s just a narrower selection of lenders that will approve the refinance.

In the case of remortgaging with bad credit, tracker mortgages differ by lender with the majority of subprime lenders using LIBOR rates, and the high street lenders using the Bank of England rate. These are used for bank-to-bank lending and it’s reflected in the interest rate you’re offered. Subprime lenders tend to use LIBOR rates that tend to be in the region of 2% to 3% above high-street lender mortgage rates.

When you compare remortgage rates and fees using comparison websites, look to see what rate the lender uses when they revert to tracker rates. They will state if it’s BoE or LIBOR.

Then compare the costs of arranging the mortgage, because it can easily cost over £1,000. Some lenders allow you to add some or all of the costs associated with remortgage onto the total loan amount. Others will insist the fees are paid pre-arrangement.

Are there any guaranteed mortgages for bad credit?

The quick answer is no. There’s no guaranteed mortgage of any sort. Every financial product is risk-assessed. For mortgage products, you also need to prove you can afford the repayments. This is called the affordability test and it’s something you must be able to prove to have any chance of being approved for a mortgage.

To find out how much you can (theoretically) afford to borrow, you can use this Mortgage Affordability Calculator.

Is there a remortgage bad credit calculator I can use?

None specifically but of the wide variety there are online, for bad credit, it’s imperative to use an online mortgage calculator that lets you alter the input for the interest rates and the term of the mortgage.

One example is the Rightmove Mortgage Calculator. Use the tab for “How much will my mortgage cost?” just above the “calculate” button, you have the option to “change this”. This is to change the current “annual rate of 3.90% over 25 years, based on a repayment mortgage” to whatever figures you want to use. In the case of bad credit remortgages, increase the interest rate by around 2% or 3% to get an average and use whatever loan term you plan to apply for such as 10 years, 15 years or longer.

That can give you a rough estimate of how much a lender will approve a home loan for. Not the exact amount…

The reason is that to approve a loan, the risk assessment varies by lender.
Some will take into account other assets you own, and the type of product you’re applying for such as interest-only with bad credit, or a repayment mortgage.

For remortgaging, lenders also consider the amount of equity you hold in the property because the higher that is, the more of a guarantee they have that if you default, they can repossess and sell the home to get the full amount of the loan repaid.

How arrears affect the remortgage process

The process of getting a remortgage with bad credit and arrears can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. Where it gets really difficult is when you’re in mortgage arrears because that’s a secured loan you’re defaulting on.

Specialist lenders do consider mortgage arrears, but they will want to see that you’re taking responsibility and trying to make your payments on time. If you continue to miss payments on an existing mortgage, your lender can issue you a default notice, indicating that they’re considering legal action. It’s not always the case that they will, but you can’t take it for granted they won’t.

When a default notice is issued for mortgage arrears, you’ll have 7-days to respond to it

That notice will give you the details of what your lender wants you to do to remedy the missed payments. Should your current lender take legal action, your case will be sent to the district court, and you could be issued a CCJ. Therefore, you can’t delay the process as soon as a default notice is issued. Specialist lenders can work with you to arrange amicable repayment options for remortgages before your situation leads to legal action.

Arrears that aren’t on secured loans are considered less severe because your home isn’t at risk. Secured loans that are a first charge on your property that go into default status are severe, and you will need a specialist lender for remortgaging, especially if things escalate to legal action or a County Court judgment.

Most people with bad credit will have online finance applications rejected based on credit reports showing negative entries. One way to mitigate that risk is to have a Notice of Correction added to your credit reports as that will mean your assessment will need manually reviewed as software can’t interpret NOCs. Manual reviewers can. However, that must be done carefully because lenders will see right through it if your correction notice doesn’t explain satisfactorily.

You must get professional advice from an adverse remortgage broker specialist to ensure you stand the best chance of successful remortgaging when negative credit entries are on your credit files. They’ll be able to advise on what options are and aren’t available and which lenders are in a position to offer you finance.

Many applicants believe that it’s next to impossible to remortgage with a low credit score. The reality is that your credit score is irrelevant. What’s used by lenders is the information that’s contained on your credit report. The score the Credit Reference Agencies assign you is only a ballpoint figure for your personal use. Creditors assess the information on it using their own scoring criteria. That’s based on the risk level that’s acceptable to them and that varies from one lender to the next.

Adverse credit mortgage lenders are more willing and able to cater to many personal circumstances. When you add a bad credit remortgage broker into the mix, you have an expert on hand to represent your interests to the lenders and work with underwriters to get you the finances you need when needed. Preferably before any mortgage arrears reflect the need for an existing mortgage lender to take legal action. However, even if the worst has happened and you’ve been issued with a CCJ, some lenders can still offer you a remortgage with abysmal credit.

If I want to release equity could a secured homeowner loan have a shorter time scale than a remortgage?

Yes, it’s likely homeowner loans bad credit rating can be completed much faster than a bad credit remortgage.

Navigating the financial landscape can be a challenge, especially when making decisions related to property and post-retirement financing. Understanding homeowner loans, RIO mortgages, and retirement interest-only mortgages is crucial for UK residents. This guide aims to shed light on these financial instruments and help you make an informed decision.

Remortgage Process UK in 2024

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Homeowner Loans: What You Need to Know

Homeowner loans, or secured loans, are loans taken out using your property as security or collateral. If you fail to make the necessary repayments, your property could be at risk.

Advantages of Homeowner Loans:

  1. Lower Interest Rates: By offering your property as collateral, lenders often feel more secure, leading to competitive interest rates.
  2. Flexible Repayment Terms: With joint homeowner loans, you can choose a longer repayment term to better manage monthly payments.
  3. Borrow Larger Amounts: The amount you can borrow is generally higher with homeowner loans than with unsecured loans.

Drawbacks to Consider:

  1. Risk to Property: As the loan is secured against your home, defaulting on payments could mean the lender takes possession of your property.
  2. Potential for Longer Debt: While longer repayment periods mean smaller monthly payments, you might end up paying more interest over the loan’s lifetime.

For those in the market for fixed rates, the Fixed Rate Loans 2024 section provides details about fixed-rate homeowner loans, allowing for predictable monthly payments and shielding from fluctuating interest rates.

RIO Mortgages and Retirement Interest-Only Mortgages

RIO (Retirement Interest Only) mortgages are specifically designed for older homeowners. They’re somewhat of a hybrid between standard mortgages and equity release.

Characteristics of RIO Mortgages:

  1. Interest-Only Payments: Borrowers are only required to pay the interest each month.
  2. Loan Duration: The loan doesn’t have a fixed end date. Instead, the full loan amount is repaid upon the sale of the property, if the homeowner moves into care, or after their passing.
  3. Age Considerations: Typically, RIO mortgages are available to those over 60 or 65, but age criteria can vary between lenders.

Retirement interest-only mortgages can offer an ideal solution for those in their later years to tap into the equity of their home without the pressure of monthly capital repayments.

If you’re considering remortgaging, the Remortgaging Deals 2024 section offers insights into the best mortgage deals 2024 available, aiding in your quest for the most suitable financial product.

Considering options for older individuals, Mortgage For Over 70 offers comprehensive details on mortgages for over 70s, ensuring financial solutions are available for every age bracket. For those slightly younger, the Over 55 Mortgage section provides more insights into mortgage for the over 70s, showcasing the flexibility in the lending market.

Equity release is another avenue for homeowners, especially for those below the standard qualifying age. The Equity Release Under 55 guide offers thorough information on how to release equity in a house under 55, providing younger homeowners with options to tap into their home’s value.

Trusting Your Financial Institution

Choosing a lender or financial institution is as important as selecting the right mortgage or loan type. Reviews can often provide a clearer picture of what to expect. In that vein, the United Trust Bank Reviews segment presents an overview based on the experiences of previous customers with believe loans reviews, giving you an insight into the bank’s operations and customer satisfaction levels.